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Preparing to teach with Boost Reading and Boost Lectura

We’ve developed a variety of resources to ensure you have the tools you need to support students in developing foundational skills and building background knowledge. In this section, you’ll find information on using Boost Reading and Boost Lectura in your classroom.

Note: Login may be required to access some resources.

Teacher Guide

Log in to explore the Boost Literacy Teacher Guide at any time of the year to support your implementation of Boost Reading and Boost Lectura.

Start with the program overview to become familiar with how Boost Reading provides personalized instruction and practice for students in grades K–5.

View the scope and sequence and standards alignment for this Science of Reading-aligned program.

Our weekly usage recommendations for Boost Reading are:

  • Students in grades K–3 should play for a total of 30–45 minutes per week, broken up into sessions lasting 10–15 minutes each.
  • Students in grades 4–5 should play for a total of 40–60 minutes per week, broken up into sessions lasting 20–30 minutes each.
  • Students using both Boost Reading and Boost Lectura should aim for approximately 40 minutes per week across both programs. 

Boost Reading works seamlessly with other Amplify literacy programs. Learn more about integrating Boost Reading into your early literacy suite.

Data and Reporting

Explore data and reporting in Boost Reading to learn more about using your teacher dashboard to access student insights and class settings.

Adaptivity and Program Content

Uncover resources that explain the “why” behind Boost Reading’s research-driven approach. Learn about the adaptive algorithm, accessibility features, multilingual/English learner (ML/EL) supports, and more!

Resource Library

Access our Resource Library filled with skill-aligned games in printable PDF format for a variety of practice areas.