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Preparing to teach your Amplify Caminos units

We’ve developed a variety of resources to ensure you have the tools you need to support students in developing foundational skills and building background knowledge.

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Pacing and planning

Guías de clases (Pacing guide)

To learn more about pacing for the school year, use the pacing guide specific to the grade level you teach. The Guías de clases can be found on the Teacher Resource Site under “Documentos para la planificación.” Simply use the English/Spanish toggle to access.

Alcance y secuencia (Scope and Sequence)

The Alcance y secuencia (Scope and Sequence documents) in this section provide a more detailed description of the skills and topics of development in each grade level, and the sequence in which the skills are taught. Be sure to refer to this document to see where you are and where you’re going as the year progresses. The Scope and Sequence documents also note where assessments are throughout the year.


Amplify Caminos assessments allow teachers to gain critical information about student mastery of standards-based performance tasks. Through the use of formative assessment embedded in the Grade K–5 lessons, teachers can amend instruction as needed to meet the diverse needs of learners. Assessments are used to gauge student understanding and application of the skills and knowledge units and domains. Check out the assessment guidance overview for more information.