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Preparing to teach your Classic Amplify CKLA units

We’ve developed a variety of resources to ensure you have the tools you need to support students in developing foundational skills and building background knowledge.

Note: Login may be required to access some resources.

Your Classic Amplify CKLA materials

New to Classic Amplify CKLA?

Watch this video to review all of the materials used in the program, including ancillary materials.

Educator and Student Homes

When you log in to Amplify CKLA, Educator Home will be your landing place. Here, you’ll see all your Amplify programs. You’ll also see recommendations on how to plan, prep, and conduct instruction, class activity, scheduled assignments, and student poll results. Administrators will have direct access to all the products for their school/district, as well as the Admin Portal to set up their districts/schools and Admin Reports to view data.

Student Home is the landing page for all Amplify CKLA students. Here, they’ll see recently assigned lessons and activities, scheduled assignments at the date/time chosen by the teacher, their avatar builder, and a daily emoji selection.

The Student Hub

The Amplify Hub is a digital experience that connects students to the rich media and apps available in the Amplify CKLA program, including: 

  • Theater: Students can navigate to the Theater to access Knowledge Builder videos for each grade and unit.
  • Sounds: Within the Sound Library, students can access sound cards by unit. On each sound card, students will be able to select a speaker to listen to the sound, a video offering articulation guidance for every phoneme, and a song with a music video.
  • Library: The Library allows students access to the complete library of books for each grade level. By selecting a book, students will be able to easily engage with the Reader.
Preparing to teach PreK–2

Pacing and planning

As you start to think about the layout of your school year, use the Pacing Guide specific to the grade level you teach. The Pacing Guides can be found in the Materials section of the Year Overview page. The guides provide plans for about 38 weeks of instruction.

In this section, you can also locate the Teacher Planner. The Teacher Planner brings together several resources, including yearly pacing guides, individual lessons and objectives, standards alignments and checklists, and much more.

Lastly, the Scope and Sequence documents in this section provide a more detailed description of the skills and topics of development in each grade level, and the sequence in which the skills are taught. Be sure to refer to this document to see where you are and where you’re going throughout the year. The Scope and Sequence documents also note where assessments are throughout the year.

Curriculum Maps

The Curriculum Maps below are quick overviews of the units you and your students will be working through throughout the year. Next to each unit are downloadable guides that provide a more in-depth look at the content covered and show how you can help your students advance their understanding of the topics.

Amplify in Action videos

If you’d like to see CKLA in action, watch these videos to see and hear from educators and students using the program, with each video featuring a strand from the Reading Rope. This collection is provided courtesy of Celina City Schools in Ohio and was created to share their story of successfully implementing Amplify literacy resources.

Assessment and Intervention

Amplify CKLA assessments allow teachers to gain critical information about student mastery of standards-based performance tasks. Through the use of formative assessment embedded in the Grade K–5 lessons, teachers may amend instruction as needed to meet the diverse needs of learners. Assessments are used to gauge student understanding and application of the skills and knowledge units and domains. Check out the assessment guidance overview for more information.

Amplify’s Intervention Toolkit offers downloadable assessment tools and the intervention resources you need to provide tiered support. You can learn more about how to use these assessment and intervention resources here.

Preparing to teach 3–5

We’ve developed a variety of resources to ensure that you have the tools you need to support students in developing foundational skills and building background knowledge—no matter what materials you have available.

CKLA instruction begins with a review from the previous year. We recommend you schedule an additional 30-minute instructional block for unfinished foundational skills instruction from the prior school year. Begin grade-level instruction with Unit 1 in every grade, utilizing recommended instructional minutes.

Pacing and planning

As you start to think about the layout of your school year, use the pacing guide specific to the grade level you teach. The Pacing Guides can be found in the Materials section of the Year Overview page. The guides provide plans for about 38 weeks of instruction.

In this section, you’ll also find the Teacher Planner. The Teacher Planner brings together several resources, including yearly pacing guides, individual lessons and objectives, standards alignments and checklists, and much more.

Lastly, the Scope and Sequence documents in this section provide a more detailed description of the skills and topics of development in each grade level, and the sequence in which the skills are taught. Be sure to refer to this document to see where you are and where you’re going as the year progresses. The Scope and Sequence documents also note where assessments are throughout the year.

Curriculum Maps

The curriculum maps overviews are quick overviews of the units you and your student will be working through throughout the year. Next to each unit are downloadable guides that provide a more in-depth look at the content covered and show how you can help your students advance their understanding of the topics.

Amplify in Action videos

If you’d like to see CKLA in action, watch these videos to see and hear from educators and students using the program, with each video featuring a strand from the Reading Rope. This collection is provided courtesy of Celina City Schools in Ohio and was created to share their story of successfully implementing Amplify literacy resources.

Assessment & Intervention 

Amplify CKLA assessments allow teachers to gain critical information about student mastery of standards-based performance tasks. Through the use of formative assessment embedded in the Grade K–5 lessons, teachers can amend instruction as needed to meet the diverse needs of learners. Assessments are used to gauge student understanding and application of the skills and knowledge units and domains. Check out the assessment guidance overview for more information.

Amplify’s Intervention Toolkit provides downloadable assessment tools as well as intervention resources you need to help students facing learning challenges. You can learn more about how to use these assessment and intervention resources here. Locate the Intervention Toolkit in the Programs & Apps menu under “Tools.”